Herb of the Week
~ Burdock ~
A stout handsome plant, with large, wavy leaves and round heads of purple flowers. It is enclosed in a globular involucre
of long stiff scales with hooked tips, the scales being also often interwoven with a white, cottony substance.
One of the best blood purifiers. In all skin diseases, it is a certain remedy and has effected a cure in many cases of eczema,
either taken alone or combined with other remedies, such as Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla.
The anti-scorbutic properties of the root make the decoction very useful for boils, scurvy and rheumatic affections, and by
many it is considered superior to Sarsaparilla, on account of its mucilaginous, demulcent nature; it has in addition been
recommended for external use as a wash for ulcers and scaly skin disorders.